The moon lives forever
I remember being somewhat spun out years ago because the moon came in the night, it came in the day, it never really went away like the sun. The moon has always fascinated me. It just plain looks good even. And I still love to go outside when the moon is full and see my shadow on the ground. My moonshadow hey (go Cat Stevens). I make pete go and do it now and then. When it's so bright you can read things by it.
The other night (last week?) the power went out again, in the middle of the night and i woke up cos pete's computer backup thing started going berserk and making weird noises. I looked outside cos i didn't know whether it was just us or not with the power, and all the street lights and house lights were off, and the moon was near full and i wanted to run around outside but i had to get up early in the morning :)
I mean if you go out the bush and don't have any lights you can see the moon and everything, but it's not often you get to see the town without even just the streetlights. It just looks different :)
I tried to take a photo, but it didn't work. maybe if i knew what special setting i was meant to put it on. bit hard in the middle of the night :)