Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fun at Whroo

Mmmm, homemade apricot pie...

I felt like making that rhyme like you hoo fun at whroo or something (I think I'm tired).

Remains of old house, complete with fruit and peppercorn trees..

On our nice long weekend, pete and i decided to go to have a picnic at Whroo. We packed up the car and off we went. This time we went to all the places that we never bother going cos there's not a whole lot to see and they never change. But pete hadn't seen most of them, and i hadn't most of them since i was a kid, so we acted like tourists.

Then i had a wander over the hills and far away trying to find the remains of grandma's house again. I wonder if we'll ever figure out where it was.


Victoria said...

We go out there whe there's nothing else to do and make the kids do a big bush walk and it tires them out, then go eat chips in the middle of the Rushy main street. Then drive home and they stay quite in the car so at least we can talk.
Oh, life is exciting.

Victoria said...

I love apricot pie. Better than apple pie. I also like blackberry pie better than apple pie.

sez said...

are the chips any good there nowadays? are they like wilmas or snappers?

Anonymous said...

Well to me, Rushy fish and chips are the best ever. I love the freshly crisped batter on the fresh tasting fish. The chips are either brilliant or ordinary - canna remember. I think they're great.

Anonymous said...

PS Homemade apricot pie yummmmo mm

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the chips are good there. And if I happen to be on a Healthy Eating Choices Fad (usually lasts about four days) I get a chicken salad roll, which is good too.

Linda said...

I am going to have to check the map, near Yarrawonga or Kyabram?