Friday, December 15, 2006

Working so very hard

I will confess straight away that I am writing this blog at work. To my boss, if he ever read this (doubtful), I am too tired to do that other stuff you normally let me do when I have no other legitimate work to do. It's friday afternoon 10 days before christmas and i need a holiday :). I jump when the phone rings and have to think about where I am. There's nobody else here. The boss has away on a job for days and the other tech is out on another job.
The 'other stuff' i do quite happily for everyone concerned, when I have nothing else to do, is my counselling diploma that i have been trying to complete for i don't know almost 4 years?! Well, I'm almost there. Nice bosses and slow afternoons and all. Although when you're doing some heavy topic it gets a bit distracting when you get a customer at the same time wanting an aerial for his radio.

Ooh I just had a bunch of customers all come in at once, all wanting different things.

They just played a Cuban version of Joy to the World on ABC fm talkback radio. It was cool.
Have you ever heard someone say 'apropros' in everyday conversation?

To continue on with the weather, which is not just the reigning topic of farmers and old men, I was in a popular large discount store the other day (where I saw you tor, but another other day), and I was way out the back when I heard this really loud noise. I thought 'my goodness what is that it's so loud, it almost sounds like really heavy pouring rain. But it wouldn't be that' (haha ha). I thought ' I'm standing near this fan thing in the roof, it must be the aircon kicking in, and it's got something wrong with it, it's so loud'. And I went about my shopping business. But when I left, lo and behold, it had been raining after all. Like what an unusual occurrence. In my defence, it was hot and sunny when I went in the shop, and I don't think the rain lasted very long.

They're talking about carols by candlelight on the radio. We went to the good old local carols on wednesday night. Not that they were real candles. (Was that in the 'good old days'?!) They probably would have set something on fire anyway its so dry and it was probably a total fire ban too haha. Complete with aeroguard and mosquitoes, stuff-ups and children running around crazy, SES volunteers and a truck bed for a stage, a generally fire-smoky atmosphere, bbq sausages and a woman dancing away by herself to the side (with a few primary school girls in her wake at one stage). I love the local carols. I wish I'd bought my camera (of course I do). We did our own few songs as well, it sounded not so good from where I was but who knows. It was enjoyable.

I was reading some google thing and the remember to get milk or whatever it is reminded me of that book Kumquat May I'll Always Love You (what a name hey). Where the mother goes out to get butter or something and doesn't come back for years. And the teenage daughter (left by herself) pretends to everyone that her mother is still there and pays the bills and answers the phone in her voice now and then. For years.

That book was one of those that used to fascinate me. (I've got a lot of those!!). There's a (kids? young teens?) book called 'behind the attic walls' with a bizarre story about people dying and becoming dolls or something. It's not twisted when you read it, just weird.

There's a book called 'The Long Walk' about an escaped political prisoner in the soviet union that claims to be a true story but who knows if it is or not. I'll ask God when I get to heaven if that book was true. Why not. It would bug me forever otherwise.

I do love true stories, be they biographies, just plain history, 'adventure' tales, whatever! Interesting non-fiction. If I had five cliches I had to eternally choose from, that one 'truth is stranger than fiction' would be one I'd pick. Because it often is. And more interesting too. Although being stranger than fiction isn't always a good thing. Not the 'disbelief at horrific true things that are worse than any fiction' kind of 'strange'. Well the world is often really not a nice place. Although sometimes it can be.

Speaking of books, I think I will start reading Tomorrow When The War Began again, when I finish my current book (The Hobbit).

There is a desk calendar sitting here with a photo of 'Cook's Bay, Moorea'. It looks so good. Peaceful. I want to visit there.

Instead of Mr Whippy, I wish a Mr Chocolate or some such happy musical vehicle would drive itself on over here so I could run out the front (disregarding any customers who happened to be present), and get myself a nice freddo frog or rolo packet or something.

Urrrgh I hope they're not putting the cricket back on the radio again this afternoon.
They were discussing 'nucleation' before, whatever that may be, and fire-induced weather patterns. It would have been rather interesting but I didn't catch the start of the conversation so didn't get half of what they said.

Ooh, I think the other tech is back at work.


Victoria said...

If I need some counselling I think you can counsell me, like "Why when I went to discuss daughter 1 with her psychologist was I more worried about him analysing me?" "Why is my husband sulking because I put pillow cases on the bed he alledges are freaky (the one with the black hearts)?" "Why am I so much missing the ratings season of Tv?" "Why did I have dreams all last night that I stole the girls' parents last remaining child at home and then hid her and the dad of the child was Ed McGregor's cousin and we had to hide the baby/child at Ed and Kyla's house?" "Why do I always want to turn off the powerpoint where the toaster is plugged in?" "Why am I simultaniously interested in and terrified of the Loch Ness monster?" "Why can I not bring myself to get William's hair cut?"

Victoria said...

If I need some counselling I think you can counsell me, like "Why when I went to discuss daughter 1 with her psychologist was I more worried about him analysing me?" "Why is my husband sulking because I put pillow cases on the bed he alledges are freaky (the one with the black hearts)?" "Why am I so much missing the ratings season of Tv?" "Why did I have dreams all last night that I stole the girls' parents last remaining child at home and then hid her and the dad of the child was Ed McGregor's cousin and we had to hide the baby/child at Ed and Kyla's house?" "Why do I always want to turn off the powerpoint where the toaster is plugged in?" "Why am I simultaniously interested in and terrified of the Loch Ness monster?" "Why can I not bring myself to get William's hair cut?"

sez said...

sure tor. I'll get started on a big essay about those topics. I know you've been waitign all year for someone to come along and answer those questions, so i'll even work thru the night :) although sometimes i think if i made up a list of ten answers/things you could answer all the world's problems with them. Like a multiple choice.
I've got a question. Can things be simple and complicated at the same time?