Saturday, November 18, 2006

Flagpole dilemma and little bits of nothingness

I've been thinking about how pete's a citizen now. He's got dual citizenship (he's an american and an australian now, how confusing) so does that mean that if we got a flagpole, we'd have to share? get two flagpoles? or because he's outnumbered he only gets the australian one? What if I was a dual citizen of somewhere else? Do we have 3 flagpoles? We could count his parents and we could have the italian one too. we could just have a bunch of flags and it would be like umm the UN building? Well I don't have any flagpoles yet so it's not a high priority problem.
I think it's terrible when you see flags all neglected. It's usually on a business's property, cos nobody bothers. Criminal.

When I got up this morning I got confused and thought the state election was today. But I had to look on the website to see where to vote so I figured it out b4 I went running down the street trying to vote, when the place is probably closed. I wonder if anyone ever doesn't know that an election is on? I might not have known if I didn't listen to the radio at work. Although those placards and posters in people's front yards are quite popular. They give it away a bit if you're paying attention. Unless you just think everyone's feeling a bit political. I think I forgot to vote once, because I remember getting a fine, but that might have been just after we got married, and I moved. Or maybe not.

Whenever the weather warms up, I feel like reading that Tomorrow When The War Began series. Should I admit to that? Well I am. For some reason they remind me of summer. I wish he'd write some more. I don't know why I love them so much. Well why love anything I guess.

I might actually start doing my christmas shopping soon. Better now than 10 days before christmas. Not that I've got months to do it now though. Actually, I just realised that unless I start some on Thursday night (pffpffefffrffff) I won't be able to do any for almost another fortnight anyway. 10 days before it is then?!

I've been trying to find clothes for work. Everything is all either ugly, doesn't fit or is too expensive and only half decent anyway. And it's getting too hot at work to wear long sleeves. What a drama.

We're having sweet potato and red kidney bean burritos for dinner tonight. Mum came over and asked about a vegetarian recipe for aunty marjie and I said this one's a good one. I thought it was such a good idea that now I'm gonna make them tonight. yum.

I've got two birthday and one father's day card that I haven't sent yet because i keep forgetting. If I forget much longer, they'll turn into christmas cards. And i haven't even thought about those yet.

I must be tired b/c my brain is going in weird places. I was just thinking how there's an awful lot of people on the planet. And it seemed sort of suffocating. But then it just seemed strange. A big blob of people on a big round blob of a world. You know what really freaks me out though. How everything will just go on forever. Eternity, I mean. Well it's probably the kind of thing that nobody can really comprehend but it just spins my head out. I have to distract myself, or it just gets in my head and freaks me oiut. Don't really know what that's about. Because I'm not worried about eternity, I just can't handle the concept??!!


phoeberae said...

You're not the only 28 year old who loves reading the John Marsden TWTWB series. Have you read the follow up the Ellie Chronicles? When I wonder if I should have a stash of emerg supplies for terrorist attacks (yeah I'm a little paranoid) I think of what Ellie and her friends needed to survive. Ps. great to find another blogger that I've met in real life, found you via Tor's blog.

Victoria said...

Well, this is nice now, all of us back together again!!!
Nick had been nagging me to have a flag pole out the front of our house. I'm thinking no, I would rather have 300 garden gnomes and a pond with cement swans in it.

Anonymous said...

sez i got onto your blog from tors i cant resist to comment. call it an ocd, your just a flippin too good writer and your mind intrigues me. You are so funny. I love how you said if you keep on forgetting to send your 3 cards they will turn into christmas cards and you havnt even thought about those yet!! Sounds like me. I have a parcel for tor, its too expensive to post so im just procrastinating till i get rich, then benj has a birthday and then it turns december and im like uggggggg another parcel, not that i dont enjoy putting them together or sending them.megs

Anonymous said...

PS i hope this isnt an exclusive threesome so if it is just tell let me know quietly.

Anonymous said...

PS Putting parcels together is painful for me, becoz I just love adding more to them, hence the delays and