Monday, January 15, 2007

The weird and the wonderful

And so this is my first post of the year. How wonderful. I know this year is going to be weird and wonderful, because I think every year is in some way. When you think past bad days and tiredness and tomorrow.
Speaking of weird and wonderful, (and this was in fact what started this whole train of thought), I was thinking how you could do a blog on family stories/legends/family urban myths, but in fact I wouldn't be able to stop at my family, and then there'd be no end to it. Does everyone have those stories that get circulated again and again, that you wish someone would write a book about? Do some people have those families where nobody talks about anything? Well actually, half of my family is a bit like that so who am I to wonder. Not the nasty stories though. Unless its true and they're generations dead.
And all those demented animal stories. Like birds that bear grudges against letterboxes and stuff.
AND I always say when a children relations of mine do and say cute and bizarre things 'you should write that down' and some do get retold endlessly. And I wish I would bother to do it when we have kids. Although I don't have time to do half the things I want to now, let alone then.

Don't you hate it when your stupid post deletes half of it when you try to save it?? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR So there blogger blaahhhhnie

Last week I worked three days at my 'new' job and two at my 'old' job, for the first time. Finally. This week i might even get to work four days there. And at my 'old' job, they finally hired a new tech. He starts tomorrow. So things should go better there for everybody too.

I give up trying to edit this post it has gone beserk on me.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about that story about the huge lion/panther/puma that stalked your Grandma and circled her house or something?? The escaped one from a circus, or the offspring of an escaped one from a circus. The same one that Kotzy and Cam heard one night on a dark lonely road..