Friday, January 26, 2007

Australians all let us rejoice....

Well so much for that last post, btw. I give up on it.It's lost in edit land.Hey at least I can read it;)

So we come to our annual patriotic festivities and
celebrations. Pete's first Australia Day as a citizen. I took Emmi at the last minute cos she wanted to go.
Then we practically ran there cos we wanted to get a good seat. But everyone else was late anyway. Then emmi sat with her friends anyway. Well as long as we were all happy.

Had the singing, mikes and the gang did their now traditional (well second year in a row, so it's tradition now I reckon) extra verse of 'I am Australian'. Plus a second new verse this year. That they kept forgetting how it went, and so we sang it three times. I shall have to get the official words off Mikes and put them on here. The australian anthem we had the band doing it at one speed, the singer doing it at another speed and the audience racing ahead at a different speed altogether. We got it together by the last line.

They had a speaker who said a lot of good stuff but went for over half an hour and it was a very long ceremony.


Anonymous said...

The flag tatoo is stil on the kids, does this mean its permanent or does this mean I dont make them wash enough?

sez said...

hey kids nowadays are just too clean. In the olden days you had to have 20 people bathe in the same water once a week. And that was b4 airconditioning.